Thursday, September 16, 2010

Its Autumn!

So for my first Autumn treat I decided on trying to rid myself of the piles of beans I have in stock in my kitchen one of which being lentils! I found  a great recipe from one of my favorite books The Kind Life for Sweet Potato Lentil stew. The recipe is as follows:

3 sweet potatoes (yams work too; cut into 3/4"cubes            1tsp coriander
1 medium onion (diced)                                                        1 1/2 tumeric
2 small tomatoes(diced)                                                         dash of sea salt
1 cup brown lentils                                                                1 tsp cumin
7 cups vegetable broth                                                          1/8 cayenne
1 tsp minced fresh ginger                                                       1/2 tsp cinnamon

Start out by heating about 1/4cup of oil in the pan and throw in onions, saute until softened(medium heat). Stir in tomatoes and ginger, cook for 3 minutes on medium heat. Stir in cumin, tumeric, coriander, cinnamon, cayenne and a pinch of salt, and cook for 2 more minutes. Next add your potatoes, lentils and broth. Bring it all to a boil and then simmer for 40 minutes. And ..... your ready for an amazing feast!

I ate mine over brown rice with a piece of whole wheat flax seed bread and a glass of merlot :)