Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Strawberry and Spinach Heaven :)

So.. the weathers warm and nice its sunny beautiful and perfect for getting outside. If your anything like me when the weather gets warm its time for light salads yummy veggies but not anything to heavy. Well tonight on a whim I created a delicious salad. Salads are great for a quick healthy meal if you don't want to eat a ton (plus you can eat more without feeling totally guilty, hehe). So I looked in my fridge and definitely did not have much. What I did find was some spinach, if it wasn't already known I love spinach! So in short heres what I threw together :

Sammys Spring Spinach Salad
*Now as far as portion I made a single because its just me but just estimate for how many your feeding

Spinach leaves ( i had the bagged kind - quick easy)
Fresh strawberries sliced
Feta cheese (completely optional)
Almond slices
Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing.

Throw it all together in a bowl mix and enjoy!! Ive also tried this with cucumbers in it as well and it still was delicious! I say go with what you crave and it will always be great!

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