Monday, February 15, 2010


So I must say when it comes to food, I am usually not hard to please. Some might say my taste is odd however because I generally crave greens, when others want steak. Well tonight I sat back and thought what do I have in my fridge? Spinach. First thing that came to mind and I wanted it for dinner. I did a couple searches of spinach recipes to see what came up before deciding on what I had in my fridge that I could combine to create something scrumptious. I pulled out about 1/4 of an onion and chopped that up along with some garlic and threw it in a pan with some light olive oil. While I let that sautee I then grabbed my spinach and sliced that up (about  a cup Id say) and my feta. Feta just so happens to be a necessary condiment in my kitchen, great with salad! Now I usually do not have processed quick microwavable foods due to well, my choice and we don't have a functioning microwave. However, since the snow storm I acquired a package of uncle bens brown rice, the kind you throw in the microwave and heat. Probably not the healthiest, but hey its still brown rice, right? So I threw that rice in with my onions an garlic and tossed in the spinach and cooked about 5 more minutes. One thing I love about spinach, it take no time to make! Now the best part, the feta! I added about a handful of feta crumbles right when I turned off the stove and stirred it up allowing it to get soft and melted and mixed in. It was a great and simple meal and made enough so that I could probably take some for lunch tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy! 

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